為林欣彤 Mag lam唱歌作現場音樂伴奏
林欣彤Mag Lam 今日唱咗幾首歌, 有Let it go, 懸崖花同reflection ,真係好正,幫佢唱歌作現場音樂伴奏,好玩又好聽,十分享受。 I enjoyed so much to play live music accompaniment for the...
聲之動力歌唱比賽 - Sing's Power Singing Contest
10 June 2017 我會同HKAO為Sing's Power Singing Contest 做現場樂團伴奏, 想來話我知!有免費飛!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 HKAO and me is going to play the live orchestral...
動物.管弦.水世界-Wonderful World For Animal Orchestra
兒童節前夕的樂節目,我會有同長笛小組合奏吹兩首小朋友好鍾意的音樂,買飛可以聯繫我或去URBTIX啦 Good concert before Childrens Day! Wonderful World for Animal Orchestra, 3 April,2017...