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Professional Cello Teacher

Marko López de Vicuña Klug

馬高.告魯克於德國弗萊堡國立音樂學院取得碩士學位,亦曾在美國印第安納大學伯明頓分校,隨特聘教授亞諾什.斯塔克學習,並取得表演文憑。 讀書期間,他曾參與由史提芬.伊瑟利斯、彼得.威斯帕維、亞諾什.斯塔克、邁克爾.施特勞斯,邁克爾.桑德林及堤剛舉辦的大師班。此外,他也是美國圖森交響樂團、西班牙馬拉加愛樂管弦樂團、西班牙格拉納達城市交響樂團的成員。 同時他亦是意大利米蘭斯卡拉愛樂樂團、美國鳳凰城交響樂團、德國弗萊堡劇院管弦樂團,西班牙馬德里廣播電視交響樂團的客席樂手。曾合作的指揮家包括︰姆斯蒂斯拉夫.羅斯卓波維奇、丹尼爾.加蒂、璜侯.梅納、帕布羅.赫拉斯─卡薩多、曼弗雷德.霍內克、漢斯.葛拉夫;亦曾與非古典樂手包括蠍子樂隊及歌手史汀於演唱會上碰頭。 他於2015年擔任澳門樂團的大提琴手。
Email :
電話: (853) 6238 2357



Marko obtained the Performer Diploma at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA) in 2005 where he was a student of legendary cellist and teacher Janos Starker. Prior to that, he obtained his Master´s Degree from the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (Germany) where he studied with Prof. Adriana Contino, a student of Starker herself. In addition, he holds the teaching diploma “Staatlich Geprüfter Musiklehrer” (State Certified Music Teacher) from the Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt (Germany). He participated in master classes with Steven Isserlis, Peter Wispelwey, Michael Strauss, Michael Sanderling and Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi. Since 2015, he is a member of the Macao Orchestra. Prior to that, he held positions at the Tucson Symphony Orchestra (U.S.A.), Orquesta Filarmonica de Malaga (Spain) and Orquesta Ciudad de Granada (Spain). As a guest, he played with Filarmonica della Scala Milan (Italy), Phoenix Symphony Orchestra(U.S.A.), Freiburg Theater Orchestra (Germany) and Orquesta de Radiotelevision Española (RTVE) in Madrid (Spain). Conductors he collaborated with include, among many others, Mstislav Rostropovich, Daniele Gatti, Juanjo Mena, Pablo Heras Casado, Manfred Honeck and Hans Graf. He also shared the stage with musicians like Plácido Domingo, Steven Isserlis, Maria Kliegel, Sarah Chang, Kyoko Takezawa and Boris Pergamenschikow, to name a few. Other non-classical artists whom he played with in concerts include Josh Groban, The Scorpions and Sting. During his career as a performer, Marko has been a dedicated teacher focused on passing on the cello school created by master cellist Janos Starker. Starker´s studio at Indiana University attracted students from all over the world to study with him. From 1958 until his death in 2013, he was the only world famous cello soloist who developed a school of playing that covered every technical and musical aspect. Janos Starker played with practically every major orchestra and in every major festival around the world. He made over 150 recordings and won a Grammy award for his recording of the Bach suites for cello solo in 1992. He is considered one of the 20th century´s most renowned cellists.


Contact :

Email :

phone: (853) 6238 2357

Hong Kong Cello Teacher 香港大提琴老師 Cellist Private Cello Lesson Tutor String Teacher APA 演藝小提琴老師 碩士音樂演奏學士 VIOLIN Lesson 學琴 學大提琴 拍法 暑期音樂班

Yan Kwok

Flute Studio

© 2022 by Yan Kwok Flute Studio


|Empire Court |2-4 Hysan Avenue|Causeway Bay|Hong Kong


|Lai Ming Building|223 Tung Choi St|Prince Edward|Kowloon|


Tel: 6093 0586 

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