春之讚歌-La Canzone Della Primavera識吹長笛係唔夠架,短笛在管弦樂團入面都好重要,細細件樂器,攜帶方便,但要吹得好都唔易架!Piccolo is very important in the orchestral music. It is small, light and easy to carry, but it is not easy to play well. #piccolo #短笛
識吹長笛係唔夠架,短笛在管弦樂團入面都好重要,細細件樂器,攜帶方便,但要吹得好都唔易架!Piccolo is very important in the orchestral music. It is small, light and easy to carry, but it is not easy to play well. #piccolo #短笛